{"pageProps":{"messages":[{"name":"Prem Acharya","twitter":"@prem_ach","thumbnail":"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1191382283535577088/rAOEq7eg_400x400.jpg","message":"He is one of the best person to follow if you are introvert and want to come out of the introvert zone like me. Thank you Francesco for everything you have done for the devCommunity."},{"name":"Dented Code","twitter":"@DentedCode","thumbnail":"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1338099203797442560/L3d1l_oZ_400x400.jpg","message":"I won't have come this far if it wasn't for you. Thank you for being such an inspiring for introvertuber"},{"name":"Ibrahim Abdullahi","twitter":"@_Aybee05","thumbnail":"https://ik.imagekit.io/wsosjkbekkj/tr:w-400,h-400/Hero-nobg_eOnc-VfvO.png","message":"One of the awesome people I interact with from the other side of world since I started coding, thank you for everything."},{"name":"Bereket Semagn","twitter":"@bereketsemagn","thumbnail":"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1309163395430731784/qnj0oa3q_400x400.jpg","message":"You've been really inspirational for myself and many other developers. You have changed the way how people see things, give them motivation and hope, and so much more. Thank you for creating videos. Thank you for being supportive and motivational. Thank you for everything that you have done!"},{"name":"Tadas Petra","twitter":"@tadaspetra","thumbnail":"https://i.imgur.com/3fVokxn.png","message":"One of the the hardest working people I know. You inspire me to work harder, and I can a very bright future for you and all your endeavors!"}]},"__N_SSG":true}